Saturday, 31 August 2019





Bacterial concrete or self-healing concrete fills up the cracks developed in structures by the help of bacterial reaction in the concrete after hardening. Types of bacteria, its mechanism and preparation of bacterial concrete is discussed.
In modern days, the use of technology has taken the standards of construction to a new high level. Different types of procedures, methods and materials are used to attain a very good, sustainable and economic concrete construction.
But due to human mistakes, incorrect handling and unskilled labors. An efficient building is hard to sustain its designed life. Many problems like weathering, cracks, leaks and bending etc., arises after the construction.
To overcome this types of problems, many remedial procedures are undertaken before and after the construction.
The common problem found in buildings is Crack. Crack may be due to many reasons. Some reasons are listed below,
o    Concrete expands and shrinks due to temperature differences
o    Settlement of structure
o    Due to heavy load applied
o    Due to loss of water from concrete surface shrinkage occurs
o    Insufficient vibration at the time of laying the concrete
o    Improper cover provided during concreting
o    High water cement ratio to make the concrete workable
o    Due to corrosion of reinforcement steel
o    Many mixtures with rapid setting and strength gain performance have an increased shrinkage potential.
Bacterial Concrete or Self-Healing Concrete

This common problem of cracking in building has many remedies before and after the crack. One of the remedial process is Bacterial Concrete or Self-Healing Concrete.
The process of self-healing of cracks or self-filling up of cracks by the help of bacterial reaction in the concrete after hardening is known as Self-Healing Concrete.
It can be observed that small cracks that occur in a structure of width in the range of 0.05 to 0.1mm gets completely sealed in repetitive dry and wet cycles. The mechanism of this autogenously healing is, the width of range 0.05-0.1mm act as capillary and the water particles seep through the cracks. These water particles hydrate the non or partial reacted cement and the cement expands, which in turn fills the crack.
But when the cracks are of greater width, need of other remedial work is required. One possible technique is currently being investigated and developed was based on application of mineral producing bacteria in concrete.
The bacteria used for self-healing of cracks are acid producing bacteria. These types of bacteria can be in dormant cell and be viable for over 200 years under dry conditions. These bacteria acts as a catalyst in the cracks healing process.
Various Types of Bacteria Used in Concrete
There are various types of bacteria were used in bacterial concrete construction are:
o    Bacillus pasteurizing
o    Bacillus sphaericus
o    Escherichia coli
o    Bacillus subtilis
o    Bacillus cohnii
o    Bacillus balodurans
o    Bacillus pseudofirmus
Mechanism of Bacterial Concrete
Self-healing concrete is a result of biological reaction of non-reacted limestone and a calcium based nutrient with the help of bacteria to heal the cracks appeared on the building.
Special type of bacteria’s known as Bacillus are used along with calcium nutrient known as Calcium Lactate. While preparation of concrete, this products are added in the wet concrete when the mixing is done. This bacteria’s can be in dormant stage for around 200 years.
When the cracks appear in the concrete, the water seeps in the cracks. The spores of the bacteria germinate and starts feeding on the calcium lactate consuming oxygen. The soluble calcium lactate is converted to insoluble limestone. The insoluble limestone starts to harden. Thus filling the crack, automatically without any external aide.
The other advantage of this process is, as the oxygen is consumed by the bacteria to convert calcium into limestone, it helps in the prevention of corrosion of steel due to cracks. This improves the durability of steel reinforced concrete construction.

Preparation of Bacterial Concrete
Bacterial concrete can be prepared in two ways,
  • o    By direct application
  • o    By encapsulation in lightweight concrete

In the direct application method, bacterial spores and calcium lactate is added into concrete directly when mixing of concrete is done. The use of this bacteria and calcium lactate doesn’t change the normal properties of concrete. When cracks are occurred in the structure due to obvious reasons.
The bacteria are exposed to climatic changes. When water comes in contact with this bacteria, they germinate and feed on calcium lactate and produces limestone. Thus sealing the cracks.
By encapsulation method the bacteria and its food i.e. calcium lactate, are placed inside treated clay pellets and concrete is prepared. About 6% of the clay pellets are added for making bacterial concrete.
When concrete structures are made with bacterial concrete, when the crack occurs in the structure and clay pellets are broken and the bacteria germinate and eat down the calcium lactate and produce limestone, which hardens and thus sealing the crack. Minor cracks about 0.5mm width can be treated by using bacterial concrete.
Among these two methods encapsulation method is commonly used, even though it’s costlier than direct application.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Bacterial Concrete

Advantages of Bacterial Concrete

o    Self-repairing of cracks without any external aide.
o    Significant increase in compressive strength and flexural strength when compared to normal concrete.
o    Resistance towards freeze-thaw attacks.
o    Reduction in permeability of concrete.
o    Reduces the corrosion of steel due to the cracks formation and improves the durability of steel reinforced concrete.
o    Bacillus bacteria are harmless to human life and hence it can be used effectively.

Disadvantages of Bacterial Concrete

o    Cost of bacterial concrete is double than conventional concrete.
o    Growth of bacteria is not good in any atmosphere and media.
o    The clay pellets holding the self-healing agent comprise 20% of the volume of the concrete. This may become a shear zone or fault zone in the concrete.
o    Design of mix concrete with bacteria here is not available any IS code or other code.
o    Investigation of calcite precipitate is costly.


Thursday, 22 August 2019

Acoustic resonance technology

Acoustic resonance technology

Acoustic resonance technology (ART) is an acoustic inspection technology developed by Det Norske Veritas over the past 20 years. ART exploits the phenomenon of half-wave resonance, whereby a suitably excited resonant target (such as a pipeline wall) exhibits longitudinal resonances at certain frequencies characteristic of the target's thickness. Knowing the speed of sound in the target material, the half-wave resonant frequencies can be used to calculate the target's thickness.
ART differs from traditional ultrasonic testing: although both are forms of nondestructive testing based on acoustics, ART generally uses lower frequencies and has a wider bandwidth. This has enabled its use in gaseous environments without a liquid couplant.
Det Norske Veritas has licensed the technology for use in on-shore water pipes worldwide to Breivoll Inspection Technologies AS. Breivoll has proven the efficiency of the technology in assessing the condition of metallic water pipes, both with and without coating. The company has since 2008 successfully developed a method to enter and inspect water mains, and is a world-leader in their market.

ART has also been used in field tests at Gassco's Kårstø facility.
In 2012 DNV's ART activities were spun out into a subsidiary HalfWave.
Main features
  • Uses lower frequencies than ultrasonic testing
  • Effective in gases and liquids (i.e. requires no liquid couplant)
  • Can be used to characterize multi-layered media (e.g. pipelines with coatings)
  • Can penetrate coatings
  • Can measure inside and outside metal loss
RUV (resonance ultrasonic vibrations)
In a closely related technique, the presence of cracks in a solid structure can be detected by looking for differences in resonance frequency, bandwidth and resonance amplitude compared to a nominally identical but non-cracked structure. This technique, called RUV (Resonance Ultrasonic Vibrations), has been developed for use in the photovoltaics industry by a group of researchers from the University of South Florida, Ultrasonic Technologies Inc. (Florida, US), and Isofoton S.A. (Spain). The method was able to detect mm-size cracks in as-cut and processed silicon wafers, as well as finished solar cells, with a total test time of under 2 seconds per wafer.

Top of Form

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Electricity Rates Or Tariff

Electricity Rates Or Tariff

Image result for electrical tariff
Today’s interconnected power systems supply a number of consumers. With such a big organization, management, economy and control come into account automatically. The supply companies (usually in the public sector) have to sell their electricity at such a rate that it covers the costs of generation, transmission, distribution, the salaries of the employees, the interest and depreciation and the profit targeted by the company. This rate at which electrical energy is sold to the consumers is termed as ‘tariff.’

The cost of generation of electricity will depend upon various factors such as Connected Load, Maximum Demand, Load factor, Demand Factor, Diversity Factor, Plant Capacity Factor and Use Factor (learn more about these factors). These, in turn, will depend upon the type of load and load conditions. Hence, the tariff is different for different type of loads (and hence different consumers).

Therefore, while fixing the tariff, we have to consider various consumers (industrial, domestic, commercial, etc.) and their requirements. Due to this, the whole process becomes complicated.

Factors Involved In Deciding An Electricity Tariff
  • The tariff should be such that the total cost of generation, transmission, and distribution is recovered.
  • It should earn a reasonable profit.
  • It must be fair and at a reasonable to the consumers.
  • It should be simple and easy to apply.
  • It should be attractive than a competitor.
Keeping in mind the above factors, various types of tariff have been designed. The most commonly used are given below.

Image result for electrical tariff

Various Types Of Electricity Tariff

1. Simple Tariff
In this type of tariff, a fixed rate is applied for each unit of the energy consumed. It is also known as a uniform tariff. The rate per unit of energy does not depend upon the quantity of energy used by a consumer. The price per unit (1 kWh) of energy is constant. This energy consumed by the consumer is recorded by the energy meters.
Graphically, it can be represented as follows:

  • Simplest method
  • Easily understandable and easy to apply
  • Each consumer has to pay according to his utilization
  • There is no discrimination according to the different types of consumers.
  • The cost per unit is high.
  • There are no incentives (an attractive feature that makes the consumers use more electricity.)
  • If a consumer does not consume any energy in a particular month, the supplier cannot charge any money even though the connection provided to the consumer has its own costs.
  • Generally applied to tube wells used for irrigation purposes.
2. Flat Rate Tariff
In this tariff, different types of consumers are charged at different rates of cost per unit (1kWh) of electrical energy consumed. Different consumers are grouped under different categories. Then, each category is charged money at a fixed rate similar to Simple Tariff. The different rates are decided according to the consumers, their loads and load factors.
Graphically, it can be represented as follows:

  • More fair to different consumers.
  • Simple calculations.
  • A particular consumer is charged at a particular rate. But there are no incentives for the consumer.
  • Since different rates are decided according to different loads, separate meters need to be installed for different loads such as light loads, power loads, etc. This makes the whole arrangement complicated and expensive.
  • All the consumers in a particular “category” are charged at the same rates. However, it is fairer if the consumers that utilize more energy be charged at lower fixed rates.
  • Generally applied to domestic consumers.
3. Block Rate Tariff
In this tariff, the first block of the energy consumed (consisting of a fixed number of units) is charged at a given rate and the succeeding blocks of energy (each with a predetermined number of units) are charged at progressively reduced rates. The rate per unit in each block is fixed.
For example, the first 50 units (1st block) may be charged at 3 rupees per unit; the next 30 units (2nd block) at 2.50 rupees per unit and the next 30 units (3rd block) at 2 rupees per unit.
Graphically, it can be represented as follows:

  • Only 1 energy meter is required.
  • Incentives are provided for the consumers due to reduced rates. Hence consumers use more energy. This improves load factor and reduces cost of generation.
  • If a consumer does not consume any energy in a particular month, the supplier does not charge any money even though the connection provided to the consumer has its own costs.
  • Generally applied to residential and small commercial consumers.
4. Two Part Tariff
In this tariff scheme, the total costs charged to the consumers consist of two components: fixed charges and running charges. It can be expressed as:
Total Cost = [A (kW) + B (kWh)] Rs.
Where, A = charge per kW of max demand (i.e. A is a constant which when multiplied with max demand (kW) gives the total fixed costs.)
             B = charge per kWh of energy consumed (i.e. B is a constant which when multiplied with units consumed (kWh), gives total running charges.)
The fixed charges will depend upon maximum demand of the consumer and the running charge will depend upon the energy (units) consumed. The fixed charges are due to the interest and depreciation on the capital cost of building and equipment, taxes and a part of operating cost which is independent of energy generated. On the other hand, the running charges are due to the operating cost which varies with variation in generated (or supplied) energy.
  • If a consumer does not consume any energy in a particular month, the supplier will get the return equal to the fixed charges.

  • Even if a consumer does not use any electricity, he has to pay the fixed charges regularly.
  • The maximum demand of the consumer is not determined. Hence, there is error of assessment of max demand and hence conflict between the supplier and the consumer.
  • Generally applied to industrial consumers with appreciable max demand.
5. Maximum Demand Tariff
In this tariff, the energy consumed is charged on the basis of maximum demand. The units (energy) consumed by him is called maximum demand. The max demand is calculated by a maximum demand meter. This removes any conflict between the supplier and the consumer as it were the two part tariff. It is similar to two-part tariff.

  • Generally applied to large industrial consumers.
6. Power Factor Tariff
In this tariff scheme, the power factor of the consumer’s load is also considered. We know that power factor is an important parameter in power system. For optimal operation, the pf must be high. Low pf will cause more losses and imbalance on the system. Hence the consumers which have low pf loads will be charged more. It can be further divided into the following types:

(I) KVA Maximum Demand Tariff
In this type of tariff, the fixed charges are made on the basis of maximum demand in kVA instead of KW.
We know that power factor = kW / kVA
Hence, the pf is inversely proportional to kVA demand. Hence, a consumer having low power factor load will have to pay more fixed charges. This gives the incentive to the consumers to operate their load at high power factor. Generally, the suppliers ask the consumers to install power factor correction equipment.

(II) KW And KVAR Tariff
In this tariff scheme, the active power (kW) consumption and the reactive power (kVAR) consumption is measured separately. Of course, a consumer having low power factor load will have to pay more fixed charges.

(III) Sliding Scale Tariff
In this type of tariff scheme, an average power factor (generally 0.8 lagging) is taken as reference. Now, if the power factor of the consumer’s loads is lower than the reference, he is penalized accordingly. Hence, a consumer having low power factor load will have to pay more fixed charges. Also, if the pf of the consumer’s load is greater than the reference, he is awarded with a discount. This gives incentives to the consumers. It is usually applied to large industrial consumers.

7. Three Part Tariff
In this scheme, the total costs are divided into 3 sections: Fixed costs, semi-fixed costs and running costs.
Total Charges = [A + B (kW) + C (kWh)]
Where, A = fixed charges,
             B = charge per kW of max demand (i.e. B is a constant which when multiplied with max demand (kW) gives the total fixed costs.)
             C = charge per kWh of energy consumed (i.e. C is a constant which when multiplied with units consumed (kWh), gives total running charges.)


  • This type of tariff is generally applied to big consumers.

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Magnetic flux leakage test

Magnetic flux leakage

Magnetic flux leakage (TFI or Transverse Field Inspection technology) is a magnetic method of nondestructive testing that is used to detect corrosion and pitting in steel structures, most commonly pipelines and storage tanks. The basic principle is that a powerful magnet is used to magnetize the steel. At areas where there is corrosion or missing metal, the magnetic field "leaks" from the steel. In an MFL (or Magnetic Flux Leakage) tool, a magnetic detector is placed between the poles of the magnet to detect the leakage field. Analysts interpret the chart recording of the leakage field to identify damaged areas and to estimate the depth of metal loss.
  • 1Introduction to pipeline examination
  • 2MFL pipeline inspection tools
  • 3MFL principle
  • 4Signal analysis
    • 4.1Estimation of corrosion growth rate
    • 4.2Other features that an MFL tool can identify
    • 4.3Crack detection
  • 5References

Introduction to pipeline examination
There are many methods of assessing the integrity of a pipeline. In-line-Inspection (ILI) tools are built to travel inside a pipeline and collect data as they go. The type of ILI we are interested in here, and the one that has been in use the longest for pipeline inspection, is the magnetic flux leakage inline inspection tool (MFL-ILI). MFL-ILIs detect and assess areas where the pipe wall may be damaged by corrosion. The more advanced versions are referred to as "high-resolution" because they have a large number of sensors. The high-resolution MFL-ILIs allow more reliable and accurate identification of anomalies in a pipeline, thus, minimizing the need for expensive verification excavations (i.e. digging up the pipe to verify what the problem is). Accurate assessment of pipeline anomalies can improve the decision making process within an Integrity Management Program and excavation programs can then focus on required repairs instead of calibration or exploratory digs. Utilizing the information from an MFL ILI inspection is not only cost effective but, as well, can also prove to be an extremely valuable building block of a Pipeline Integrity Management Program.
The reliable supply and transportation of product in a safe and cost-effective manner is a primary goal of most pipeline operating companies and managing the integrity of the pipeline is paramount in maintaining this objective. In-line-inspection programs are one of the most effective means of obtaining data that can be used as a fundamental base for an Integrity Management Program. There are many types of ILI tools that detect various pipeline defects, but high-resolution MFL tools are becoming more prevalent as its applications are surpassing those to which it was originally designed. Originally designed for detecting areas of metal loss, the modern High Resolution MFL tool is proving to be able to accurately assess the severity of corrosion features, define dents, wrinkles, buckles, and, in some cases, cracks. Having a device that can perform simultaneous tasks reliably is more efficient and ultimately provides cost saving benefits.
MFL pipeline inspection tools
Background and origin of the term "pig": In the field, a device that travels inside a pipeline to clean or inspect it is typically known as a pig. PIG is an acronym for "Pipeline Inspection Gauge". The acronym PIG came later as the nickname for "pig" originated from cleaning pigs (first designed pigs) that actually sounded like squealing or screeching pigs when they passed through the lines scraping, scrubbing and "squeegeeing" the internal surface. The name serves as common industry jargon for all pigs, both intelligent tools and cleaning tools. Pigs, in order to fit inside the pipeline, are cylindrical and are necessarily short in order to be able to negotiate bends in the pipeline. Many other short, cylindrical objects, such as propane storage tanks, are also known as pigs and it is likely that the name came from the shape of the devices. In some countries a pig is known as a "Diablo", literally translated to mean "the Devil" relating to the shuddering sound the tool would make as it passed beneath people's feet. The pigs are built to match the diameter of a pipeline and use the very product being carried to end users to transport them. Pigs have been used in pipelines for many years and have many uses. Some separate one product from another, some clean and some inspect. An MFL tool is known as an "intelligent" or "smart" inspection pig because it contains electronics and collects data real-time while travelling through the pipeline. Sophisticated electronics on board allow this tool to accurately detect features as small as 1 mm by 1 mm, dimensions of the wall of a pipeline as well as depth or thickness of wall (helps indicate potential wall loss).
Typically, an MFL tool consists of two or more bodies. One body is the magnetizer with the magnets and sensors and the other bodies contain the electronics and batteries. The magnetizer body houses the sensors that are located between powerful "rare-earth" magnets. The magnets are mounted between the brushes and tool body to create a magnetic circuit along with the pipe wall. As the tool travels along the pipe, the sensors detect interruptions in the magnetic circuit. Interruptions are typically caused by metal loss and which in most cases is corrosion and the dimensions of the potential metal loss is denoted previously as "feature." Other features may be manufacturing defects and not actual corrosion. The feature indication or "reading" includes its length by width by depth as well as the o'clock position of the anomaly/feature. Mechanical damage such as shovel gouges can also be detected. The metal loss in a magnetic circuit is analogous to a rock in a stream. Magnetism needs metal to flow and in the absence of it, the flow of magnetism will go around, over or under to maintain its relative path from one magnet to another, similar to the flow of water around a rock in a stream. The sensors detect the changes in the magnetic field in the three directions (axial, radial, or circumferential) to characterize the anomaly. The sensors are typically oriented axially which limits data to axial conditions along the length of the pipeline. Other designs of smart pigs can address other directional data readings or have completely different functions than that of a standard MFL tool. Oftentimes an operator will run a series of inspection tools to help verify or confirm MFL readings and vice versa. An MFL tool can take sensor readings based on either the distance the tool travels or on increments of time. The choice depends on many factors such as the length of the run, the speed that the tool intends to travel, and the number of stops or outages that the tool may experience.
The second body is called an Electronics Can. This section can be split into a number of bodies depending on the size of the tool. This can, as the name suggests, contains the electronics or "brains" of the smart pig. The Electronics Can also contains the batteries and is some cases an IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) to tie location information to GPS coordinates. On the very rear of the tool are odometer wheels that travel along the inside of the pipeline to measure the distance and speed of the tool.

MFL principle
As a MFL tool navigates the pipeline a magnetic circuit is created between the pipewall and the tool. Brushes typically act as a transmitter of magnetic flux from the tool into the pipewall, and as the magnets are oriented in opposing directions, a flow of flux is created in an elliptical pattern. High Field MFL tools saturate the pipewall with magnetic flux until the pipewall can no longer hold any more flux. The remaining flux leaks out of the pipewall and strategically placed tri-axial Hall effect sensor heads can accurately measure the three-dimensional vector of the leakage field.
Given the fact that magnetic flux leakage is a vector quantity and that a hall sensor can only measure in one direction, three sensors must be oriented within a sensor head to accurately measure the axial, radial and circumferential components of an MFL signal. The axial component of the vector signal is measured by a sensor mounted orthogonal to the axis of the pipe, and the radial sensor is mounted to measure the strength of the flux that leaks out of the pipe. The circumferential component of the vector signal can be measured by mounting a sensor perpendicular to this field. Earlier MFL tools recorded only the axial component but high-resolution tools typically measure all three components. To determine if metal loss is occurring on the internal or external surface of a pipe, a separate eddy current sensor is utilized to indicate wall surface location of the anomaly. The unit of measure when sensing an MFL signal is the gauss or the tesla and generally speaking, the larger the change in the detected magnetic field, the larger the anomaly.
Signal analysis
The primary purpose of a MFL tool is to detect corrosion in a pipeline. To more accurately predict the dimensions (length, width and depth) of a corrosion feature, extensive testing is performed before the tool enters an operational pipeline. Using a known collection of measured defects, tools can be trained and tested to accurately interpret MFL signals. Defects can be simulated using a variety of methods.
Creating and therefore knowing the actual dimensions of a feature makes it relatively easy to make simple correlations of signals to actual anomalies found in a pipeline. When signals in an actual pipeline inspection have similar characteristics to the signals found during testing it is logical to assume that the features would be similar. The algorithms and neural nets designed for calculating the dimensions of a corrosion feature are complicated and often they are closely guarded trade secrets. An anomaly is often reported in a simplified fashion as a cubic feature with an estimated length, width and depth. In this way, the effective area of metal loss can be calculated and used in acknowledged formulas to predict the estimated burst pressure of the pipe due to the detected anomaly.
Another important factor in the ongoing improvement of sizing algorithms is customer feedback to the ILI vendors. Every anomaly in a pipeline is unique and it is impossible to replicate in the shop what exists in all cases in the field. Open lines of communication usually exist between the inspection companies and the pipeline operators as to what was reported and what was actually visually observed in an excavation.
After an inspection, the collected data is downloaded and compiled so that an analyst is able to accurately interpret the collected signals. Most pipeline inspection companies have proprietary software designed to view their own tool's collected data. The three components of the MFL vector field are viewed independently and collectively to identify and classify corrosion features. Metal loss features have unique signals that analysts are trained to identify.
Estimation of corrosion growth rate
High-resolution MFL tools collect data approximately every 2 mm along the axis of a pipe and this superior resolution allows for a comprehensive analysis of collected signals. Pipeline Integrity Management programs have specific intervals for inspecting pipeline segments and by employing high-resolution MFL tools an exceptional corrosion growth analysis can be conducted. This type of analysis proves extremely useful in forecasting the inspection intervals.
Other features that an MFL tool can identify
Although primarily used to detect corrosion, MFL tools can also be used to detect features that they were not originally designed to identify. When an MFL tool encounters a geometric deformity such as a dent, wrinkle or buckle, a very distinct signal is created due to the plastic deformation of the pipe wall.
Crack detection
There are cases where large non-axial oriented cracks have been found in a pipeline that was inspected by a magnetic flux leakage tool. To an experienced MFL data analyst, a dent is easily recognizable by trademark "horseshoe" signal in the radial component of the vector field. What is not easily identifiable to an MFL tool is the signature that a crack leaves.
  • DUMALSKI, Scott, FENYVESI, Louis – Determining Corrosion Growth Accurately and Reliably
  • MORRISON, Tom, MANGAT, Naurang, DESJARDINS, Guy, BHATIA, Arti – Validation of an In-Line Inspection Metal Loss Tool, presented at International Pipeline Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2000
  • NESTLEROTH, J.B, BUBENIK, T.A, - Magnetic Flux Leakage ( MFL ) Technology – for The Gas Research Institute – United States National Technical Information Center 1999
  • REMPEL, Raymond - Anomaly detection using Magnetic Flux Leakage ( MFL ) Technology - Presented at the Rio Pipeline Conference and Exposition, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil 2005
  • WESTWOOD, Stephen, CHOLOWSKY, Sharon. - Tri-Axial Sensors and 3-Dimensional Magnetic Modelling of Combine to Improve Defect Sizing From Magnetic Flux Leakage Signals. presented at NACE International, Northern Area Western Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 2004
  • WESTWOOD, Stephen, CHOLOWSKY, Sharon. – Independent Experimental Verification of the Sizing Accuracy of Magnetic Flux Leakage Tools, presented at 7th International Pipeline Conference, Puebla Mexico 2003
  • AMOS, D. M. - "Magnetic flux leakage as applied to aboveground storage tank flat bottom tank floor inspection", Materials Evaluation, 54(1996), p. 26