New energy standards have been implemented over the past few years that require light bulbs to use 28 percent less energy in order to consume less energy (watts) for the amount of light produced (lumens). In 2013,75-watt bulbs were replaced with 53 watt bulbs.
43 and 29 watt bulbs respectively.In July 2012, new efficiency standards were implemented regarding incandescent reflector lamps and general service fluorescent lights, which basically eliminated lights with the lowest efficiency and the lowest initial cost. In November 2014, new efficiency standards were
implemented for flourescent lamp ballasts.
- · Provide “task” lighting (over desks, tool benches,
craft tables, etc.) so that work and leisure
activities can be done without illuminating entire
- · Select the type of light bulb on the basis of its
efficiency. Compact fluorescent bulbs will give an
incandescent bulb’s warm soft light, while using
8 to 10 times longer. Use these bulbs in fixtures
or lamps that are on for more than two hours
each day.
- If you don’t like the “look” of compact fluorescent
lighting, consider high-efficiency halogen
lighting. For example, a 100-watt incandescent
bulb can be replaced by a 72-watt or 70-watt
halogen bulb. A 60-watt incandescent bulb can
be replaced by a 43-watt or 40-watt halogen bulb.
- · Consider using LED light bulbs, especially in
hard-to-reach fixtures. A 60-watt incandescent
bulb can be replaced by a 7.5 to 10-watt LED
25,000 hours.
- Some, but not all compact fluorescent and
LED bulbs can be used with dimmer switches.
Check the package to make sure. Where possible,
consider using dimmable LED or compact
fluorescent bulbs. However, do not use them with
non-dimmable switches.
- · Instead of using a 190-watt halogen torchiere
to light up a room, consider a compact fluorescent
or LED torchiere that will produce as much light,
and use less than 70 watts.
Note: Federal law mandates that the maximum
power use of torchiere light fixtures can be
no more than 190 watts. If you purchase a
torchiere, make sure that your fixture meets
this requirement.
- When possible, place floor, table, and hanging
flat wall. Lamps in corners reflect light from two
- · The reflectance of interior surfaces has an
important bearing on lighting efficiency. In homedecoration, therefore, choose lighter colors forwalls, ceilings, floors, and furniture. Dark colorsabsorb light and require higher lamp wattagefor a given level of illumination. Light-coloredsurfaces should be kept clean to keep reflectancelevels high.
- · In lamps and fixtures having two or more
sockets for incandescent bulbs, consider using
a single large bulb in one socket rather than filling
all sockets with bulbs of smaller wattage. A
72-watt halogen bulb, for instance, produces 35
percent more light than four 25-watt traditional
incandescent bulbs for the same amount of energy.
Using compact fluorescent or LED bulbs will
save more energy. Typically, a 23-watt compact
fluorescent bulb or a 14 to 17-watt LED bulb can
replace a 90- or 100-watt incandescent bulb or a
72-watt halogen bulb.
- · Many so-called “long life” bulbs emit significantly

less light than a standard incandescent
bulb of the same wattage. They should be used
only where the long-life feature is advantageous,
as in hard-to-reach fixtures, or where it is not
- · Clean lighting fixtures regularly. Dust on lamps

and reflectors impairs lighting efficiency.
- · For large areas such as family recreation
rooms, where high levels of lighting are required
periodically but not 100 percent of the time, install
fixtures on two or three separate circuits so
illumination can be controlled by switching circuits
on and off.
- · To ensure that outdoor lighting is turned off
during the daytime, install photoelectric controls
or timers.
- · Consider using compact fluorescent or LED
light down to an outdoor temperature of 0°F.
Check to see if they are compatible with photoelectric
controls or timers.
- · If you are on vacation and have a timer on a
or LED bulb to save energy. Make sure
the timer is compatible with the bulb.
- · For holiday lighting, consider using LED lights.
Not only will LED lights reduce electric use
by more than 90 percent compared to traditional
incandescent holiday light bulbs, they will last
more than 25,000 hours.
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